Monday, August 19, 2024

AI and the Future of Humanity

 I am about 50/50 on the future of AI and here's why.

Everyone by now has heard of AI and the things that are coming down the pipeline with it. 

I am 50% Optimistic and 50% pessimistic. 

I will be adding in my thoughts on this topic over time. 

Now for the optimistic thought here. What are my thoughts on AI and where it is heading and a small prediction of the future. 

I believe that initially, AI AGI will be great for all humans that have the ability to gain access to the tech and use the tech to better themselves and their communities and families. How is AI and AGI going to help all of us as a whole you may be asking yourself?

Good Question. Let's start with an example. but first a little bit of a background on me. I am a system engineer, and technical Architect. I also have a background in finance, Forex, stocks and the like. I am mature when it comes to finance. But a little life experience and paying bills, having kids, a house, cars, and many many other obligations leads me to my thoughts and background. 

So here is an example. How AI and AGI will be very helpful to you specifically. say you want to learn how to repair something with your home or car. Let's go with the home, in the past, before the internet. you would pick up the phonebook and look is phone numbers or call your friends and or ask around for a handyman, a Plumber, an electrician, or an AC repair person. you would not know if that person or company you called was trustworthy or not. you would not know if the job would be completed to your liking. so you would pretty much call the first person on the list. Lets say it was the AC repair guy. your AC went out and you and not sure why and it is getting super hot in the house. You don't care how much is costs initially you just really want the AC fixed. The Tech comes out and conducts an inspection on your AC unit within the house and the Compressor outside the house, then he/she will give you a quote and estimate of what it would take to get the AC working again. You see that it states that you have a low freon there is a possible leak in the system your drain line is clogged and your capacitors on the compressor need to be replaced. You see the bottom line and the bill is like $300+ before any parts just for the Techs time and drive to your home. You think "Well it is what it is, I really need this fixed ASAP" so you tell the tech to proceed. He clears your clogged drain pipe first then replaces the Capacitors in the Compressor and begins to refill the freon on the system. All to find that there is a leak in the Coils inside and outside of the compressor. now your bill just went to $8,000 for the replacement. what do you do, you pull out the credit card and say "Whatever it takes, I just will have to cancel the family vacation this summer to cover this."

 Fast forward to the age of the Internet and Google, YouTube, Yelp, etc. You go online to Google and you start Googling and you are taken to Youtube and how to repair your AC and you find a local Vendor to help and you look them up on Yelp and other apps to see if they are legit and you got some knowledge on what to expect so you call the company and they send out a tech. The tech runs a few tests finds the issues and works up the estimate for his time and parts. The bill is $300. in the back of your mind, you know exactly what is wrong with your system cause you got educated but AC repairs people on youtube. just just don't have the tools to do the repair yourself. So you agree for the tech to do the work for $300, only for the tech to come back to you and tell you it's going to cost you $8000 to replace your system due to the leaks in the systems inside and outside. but this time you just pay the Tech the $300 form the original quote and send him on his way. you now know what is wrong and you also have the entire internet at your fingertips to get Finances for the system and you can shop around within minutes to find someone to install the system for half the cost of a brand-new and possibly better unit then you had before. This is the power of the internet.

Now imagine the near future of AI. you have an AI app on your phone. you talk to your AI and explain what you problems you are having with your AC unit and the AI asks more questions about your system. The AI pulls up the specs on your system and asks you to conduct some minor tests. you tell the AI what the results are and then gives you more things to tech before giving you the final results. The AI asks you to Purchase a small freon and AC repair kit and gives you a list of stores that are nearby and also lists out a few Techs in your area and what their rates are. But the AI gives you the confidence that the repairs can be completed with minimal cost to you and you see your bill for the kit and the parts is only $150. The AI also gives you instructions in High detail on how to test compression and how to find leaks within the system. you follow the instructions and find there to be a minor leak of one of the freon tubes that feeds back in the house. You are to tell the AI to order the parts for pick up and to contact the AC repair so you can set an appointment for the leak repair that would just require a minor solder. Your Final bill after all said and done is now only $300 for the parts you bought and the repairs. saving you thousands. Sounds nice right?

Imagine this with the Near Future of AGI and ASI within Robotics. The Date is some time 2026 (maybe) you have a House assistance Humanoid Robot with Artificial intelligence. the AC goes out and the AC unit thermostat tells the Robot that there is something wrong with the AC the temp is not going down and the self-diagnosis is there is a failed capacitor and the Freon levels are low and the drain pipe is clogged which is causing the kill switch you trip the unit. There is Ice forming on the Coils which is causing the system to leak water within the return ducks and is tripping the leak sensor. the Robot AGI. send you a message about the problem and ask your permission to take action. the Robot AGI has already generated a cost analyst for your review in the text. it only needs your authorization to get things ordered for the repair. It has a complete inventory of the tools in your garage and informs you have you have everything by the freon for the repair. the bill is now $50 for the complete repair and cleanup materials. and everything will be complete before you return home from your outing. Robot AGI has all the information and you give it the green light and it repairs, your AC cleans up the mess, and notifies you of completion. it also uses predictive modeling to suggest that the AC will need maintenance again in about 5 months. It also created a savings budget for you to be able to afford the next outage. 

Your Robot AGI Also Takes your trash out and walks your dogs while you are out and the house is completely clean and dinner is waiting just the way you like.

Amazing, right?

I can see a future where this tech can be very helpful and get people a better quality of life and can also find solutions to your normal everyday problems without you needing to lift a finger unless you want to. 

The future robots with AGI can Help you lift heavy items or move that couch you have been needing to be moved. It can clean, cook, make your bed, organize your Clothes in your closet, and clean out your garage that you have been needing to get done forever. It can reply to all your messages and block all spam mail and emails and spam calls warn you of Identity theft and give you the real information on everything, from things in the food or snacks you like that can cause you harm, or the false news that is being sent out. it can detect any health issues you have like a heart attack or stroke. It keeps all your meetings, events, and schedules up to date for you and helps you organize all things to be more efficient with your time. it can suggest dietary habits that can help you live longer and or cure whatever ills you and your family. It can create a completely custom health protocol specific to your DNA, Blood, and genome.  this would only be the tip of the ice for this machine. 

I am sure by now you have all seen the movies regarding AI and robots. The good the bad and the scary. that is why I am on the fence. 

More on that to come in the near future. share with you your thoughts on the topic.